Download Mparivahan App for Vehicle Full Detail Form Application

Download Mparivahan App for Vehicle Full Detail Form Application

Download a Mparivahan App for a Vehicle Full in a Detail. Provides access to transportation services to the citizens through a mobile-based application. This app empowers citizens with instant access to various information, services, and utilities related to transportation in a sector. Aim to bring convenience and transparency to the system.

All of this information will be displayed in the details.MParivahan in The main advantages of this app are -Get details of any parked, accidental, or stolen vehicle just by entering the registration number. Check your car registration details. Check in the details of the second-hand vehicle. If you want to buy a second-hand car you can check the age and registration in detail. Within the above features, you can also check D L details and create a virtual D L and RC In this application. citizens.

It is an actual government application for an All India R T O in a Vehicle Registration Number Search. It provides complete information about cars like this.

The Ministry of the Road Transport and the Highways (NORTH) has issued an advisory to the states to accept the driving license, registration certificate, or other documents in an 'electronic form' submitted by a Digi locker or mParivahan platform as valid under in the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 and with them. The equivalent of the certificates issued by the transport in authorities, "according to a statement from the ministry.

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