Kite Flying is a real simulator and kites worldwide phenomenon of popularity.

The goal is to fight and cut the opposing kites in a real battle in the sky, in its multiplayer version are already over 22 million downloads and one of the best reviews from the Play Store.
Everyone loves to fly kites, but have you ever wondered how a kite flies in the air?  The kite does not have any engine nor does it have any wings that can fly it in the air.  Still she can fly in the air like this why and how?  If you do not know, then let us tell that there is science and nature behind it which is helpful in blowing in that air.
When we start flying the kite in the beginning, an upward force is exerted on the kite by the wind and due to the conical shape of the upper part of the kite, the momentum of the kite starts changing due to which the kite starts flying forward and upwards.  

See, we control that kite with a string tied to it.  In this way, the kite starts flying with the help of the wind and due to the high air pressure, sometimes the string of the kite breaks itself.
 Hope you got to know how and why kites fly in the air.
  • Kites from Brazil, Chile, South Korea, India, Iraq, Indonesia, Pakistan, Japan, Jamaiaca, France, the Netherlands, among others. Cometa, Papalote, Barrilete, Papagaio, Kite, Tayara, Cerfvolant, Aetos, Drachen, Aquiloni, Takô, Shirosshi, Shiem, Drak, Jarkan, Volantines, Wau, Sarkany, Leijani, Vliegers, Drakar, Didak, Stell, Atok’er, Tchiang, Patang, Vozdouchnei, Chiriachirou, Caidéu, Wau, Yoah, Tairawakia, Layang, Tukkal, Tomawalk, Papagaio, Britt, Arraia Baiana, Flechão, Flecinha, Youngwe, Pião Raia, Joystick, Sputnick
  • In this kite flying festival challenge, there are many layang layang kites are designed for your fun. This kite-flying adventure game is not only for kids but every type of age can play this kite flying adventure for fun.

    Download now and enjoy the kite flying games. Kitesurfing and kite pipa combat you will only enjoy in this pipa combat kite game. Experience the layang layang offline and kite flying multiplayer games.

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