Bird Voice amazing technology 2021

Do you know which animals make these sounds Cats, dogs and birds all speak the same language, but the words used for their voices vary from language to language.
The sounds and actions of some animals are used for different things in everyday conversation Animal sounds are a form of onomatopoeia, which are words that mimic sounds.  Words like pop, buzz, and boom are forms of onometopoia, and hence sounds like "meow," "woof," and "moo."

Most of the animals around the world have the same sound, there are some differences depending on the language and the way we hear things If you are interested in how animals sound in different languages, check out this page.  (There are some interesting variations between the rooster crow and the frog crow!)

So in addition to learning some fun new words, knowing the sounds of animals will also show you new ways to express yourself in conversation.
You can use this article to teach young children the sounds of animals.  And sometimes children may be asked about animals and their voices as homework in schools So you can use this article to teach your children Animal Sounds In Hindi

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