Work areas are integrated in Microsoft Edge. A function that I have come to appreciate in Opera. Here you can collect and call up the tabs in several areas.

It is currently being tested in the Canary as an A / B test (controlled rollout). It looks like the function of the work areas is natively integrated. So without a flag. So you can create several workspaces, assign a name and also a color. You can also create individual groups in the individual work areas. Here are some animations from Leo.
It is interesting that when you close the browser and open it again, the work areas are still available and the tabs can be called up. So you have two variants available. Once the tab groups and once the workspaces. Which function you use is then up to you.
For me it is not yet visible in three canarys. Just have a look at yourselves. Version 91 will go into beta in the last week of April and will be made available as stable at the end of May.
[Update]: If you want to test it once: Create a shortcut from Microsoft Edge. Call the properties and under target after the .exe a space and then
--enable-features = msWorkspaces
copy in. Apply and ok and the function appears in the Edge. As Raj also found out, the working groups open in a separate window. We'll wait and see how it develops.
All Microsoft Edge downloads also insider
- Microsoft Edge Stable (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android)
- Canary, Dev, Beta (Windows, macOS),
- Business: Microsoft Edge Stable, Beta, and Dev (Windows, macOS:
- The portable versions: Portable Edge Updater
- Android:
- iOS:
- Uninstalling Microsoft Edge: If the Edge has not been installed by yourself, you can still remove the Edge if you want to.