The craftsman made the PS5 case from polished brass, it turned out stylishly

The shortage of consoles continues and amid low supplies, not many gamers will experiment with their PS5 or Xbox Series, at the risk of being taken out of service. However, some YouTube craftsmen are showing what can be done with consoles or controllers when they become available.

In the past, an Xbox controller was made from 18K gold, worth over $ 87,000. True, the weight of 1.5 kilograms and stringy triggers made it a completely uncomfortable solution for games. We've also seen the PS5 is equipped with custom water coolers and chassis. 

Now it's time for a more practical solution - a polished brass PS5 chassis that will match the original shape.

YouTube channel DIY Perks presented just such a version. A 16-minute video shows the process of creating all the elements of the body. In fact, it was only necessary to make the PS5 centerpiece and side panels out of brass and polish them to get a reflective surface with a golden hue.

The final result looks stylish - the bending of the petals gives an interesting effect. The only internal modification is the removal of the Wi-Fi antenna to the back since the signal is poorly transmitted through the metal case, for obvious reasons.

Naturally, such a console is noticeably heavier than the original, however, as new consoles develop, customization options, including for metals, will become much more affordable.

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