InvisiMole - Spyware undetected since 2013, can capture camera, audio and secret data

It is always remarkable how much new spyware, malware or ransomware is detected that spy on specific or many computers. Eset has now detected a spyware called "InvisiMole", which uses a wrapper DLL to make the malware look like a normal DLL and which is started with Windows.

The InvisiMole was able to remain undetected for five years, simply because it was apparently only used on special computers and not specifically worldwide. This allowed her to do her job while under the radar. RC2FM and RC2CL are used as modules at the same time, both of which take on identical tasks. Why this so has not yet been established. It is believed that the modules were bundled and released here by different authors.

What is the spyware doing? It taps into the video camera and the audio connection and can also "listen" to the system information, processes and other functions. If you want to read it through more closely:

But I'm not after scare tactics here. Rather, it simply wants to show that you are never, no matter what software, you are protected. If the attack has not been analyzed, however good the software is, it will not detect such spyware. After all, InvisiMole went undetected for a long time. Anyone who thinks that their computer has no spy or malware on it should continue to believe. Otherwise, you will lose your surfing.

If you would like to see all the attacks, possibilities or new discoveries in the field, you should check out Nicolas Krassas more often on Twitter. After a few days, you surf with panic. If you want to continue working and surfing with peace of mind, you should do so without the Twitter page. Because we will never know exactly which spyware is already "swirling" around in our home.

I am sure you would like to know how "InvisiMole Spyware Turns Your Computer Into A Video Camera And Steals Secrets".

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