What is China's hacker prodigy now?

At 12 years old, Vuong Chinh Duong hacked his e-commerce site to buy 2,500 yuan for only one cent, but he always claimed to be good and wanted to be a good hacker.

Wang Zhengyang was born in 2001, in Beijing. Like many "Gen Z" children, Vuong was exposed to the Internet very early. At the age of eight, he started liking a game, but half a year later he started getting bored and curious about how people make games. Vuong wandered the Internet to learn about programming.

Wang's father was initially worried because his son was plugging his head into the computer all the time. But when he knew his purpose, he brought home the best computer. "At that time I was very shocked, 5 years later I still code on that system until it broke down," Vuong Chinh Duong said.

Wang Zhengfang taught himself programming at the age of eight, then became one of China's youngest tech talents.

After that, Wang learned programming through books. When the media came to his house, they always found programming books on the keyboard. "I learned everything by myself, starting with VB for Windows. Because the code was in English, my code speed was very slow at that time. To memorize each word, I had to write it over and over again. , my English score at school is also quite good, so it is not much difficult, "Vuong said.

Regarding his most memorable programming memory, Vuong said: "Once, I was so angry that I didn't touch the computer for a week because of the code error. Unexpectedly, after cleaning it up, I found it. your mistake".

10 years old, Vuong started to set up his own website. He spent 400 yuan - saving money by saving money on ice cream - to buy servers, store data. Two years later, Wang surprised the Chinese media by successfully infiltrating the school's information system. At first, he himself did not think he would succeed, just for fun. The teachers in the school did not believe him to do this.

Different from everyone else's image of a hacker portrait. Vuong Chinh Duong is considered by his teachers to be polite, gentle, sociable, and a good student. The boy then bravely accepted the error and wrote the report. Wang's story was noticed by the media, at that time, people gave him many titles, such as "IT prodigy", "China's youngest hacker".

In 2013, when classmates diligently reviewing for the entrance exam, Vuong was still wandering the Internet. He hacked an electronic website, changed the price of the item from 2,500 yuan to 1 cent and ordered it. "But I do not want to profit from it. After successful hacking, I immediately reported to the person in charge and did not change any price of other products", Vuong said.

When he was called "China's youngest hacker" or "hacker prodigy", Wang said he wanted to be called "White Hat Hacker". Although only 12 years old, Vuong impresses everyone with a serious face when talking about security issues and hackers.

After that, the "hacker prodigy" continued to search for vulnerabilities of the Internet 360 company and participated in the project "Qixing Cyber ​​Security" of the city police department. The 360 ​​security expert evaluated the errors Vuong found quite basic, but the thinking of this 12-year-old boy was not inferior to the engineers in the company.

At the age of 13, Wang was invited to attend the National Cyber ​​Security Conference held in Beijing. He is also the youngest member of the conference and expressed his willingness to become a good hacker, looking for security vulnerabilities so that he can promptly fix it, not using technology to do infringements. law. After participating in international events about the Internet, Vuong began to keep quiet with the media.

Vuong Chinh Duong, now 20 years old, continues to pursue his passion for programming.

As the years passed, Vuong Chinh Duong is now a 20-year-old boy. "I gradually withdraw from the hacker world, focusing on studies, exams, especially college entrance exams. If I don't go to college, I will not have a place in the computer technology industry," Vuong said.

After passing the entrance exam to a domestic university, Vuong chose to study Information Technology at Irvine School of America. Here, no one knows you are a hacker. At the age of 19, Vuong entered the Google Information Security Center in the US and has studied and worked so far.

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