Square Enix has registered three new trademarks - they are associated with Final Fantasy

GameSpot reports that Square Enix has registered three new trademarks related to the Final Fantasy universe.

Ever Crisis, The First Soldier, and the Shinra Electric Power Company logo were registered in December 2020, but have only gone public now. It is assumed that the first trademark is associated with the mobile Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII for PSP, the second with the main villain of Final Fantasy VII Sephiroth, and the latter speaks for itself - this is the emblem of the Shinra Electric Power Company mega-corporation from games.

How exactly Square Enix plans to use them is not specified. GameSpot suggests that developers can prepare more content related to the Final Fantasy VII remake, which is being released in episode format. However, it is worth remembering that sometimes studios register trademarks associated with their games, and for no apparent reason.

Recall that at the end of December, the producer of the updated Final Fantasy VII Yoshinori Kitase said that in the near future no news is expected about the development of the second episode of the remake. He also noted that he plans to work on the series after 2021.

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