Sports techno style for Hades and The Witcher 3 characters

Alfonso Meza is a Filipino illustrator who has recently done a series of fan-made works of some of the characters in Hades and The Witcher 3. Judging by the looks, Alfonso took inspiration from Valorant's techno-futuristic fashion, portraying Zagrei, Vixen, Cyril and others in a similar style. Some of them even "got" contracts with brands like Nike. Where does marketing go? It turns out even a bit funny, considering that Nika (Nike, Nike) is also part of the ancient Greek pantheon.

More works by the artist can be viewed on his page in ArtStation.

Recall that Hades has become one of the best games of 2020, taking many awards and selling a huge circulation of several million copies. The game was originally launched in Early Access back in December 2018, then there have been updates, gradually expanding and improving the game to its final state.





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