In recent weeks, there has been a lot of unverified information about what has been and is happening in the ranks of CD Projekt RED. And the other day, the attention of gamers on Reddit was attracted by a post two weeks ago from the GameSpot forum. According to the author of the post, JoeBuck80, he recognized and copied part of the quotes from the thread in which the CDPR employee spoke about the situation on condition of anonymity.
The text turned out to be large, so we will remove the "water" and leave only the theses. I repeat - this information is not confirmed and may be false. One of the main thoughts is that Cyberpunk 2077, in its proper form, will not be available until mid-2021.
What the Cyberpunk 2077 developer wrote:
- CD Projekt RED went for such a problematic release to please investors
- Management intends to stage a No Man's Sky-style rebirth by summer 2021
- The first of two large-scale patches will be released only in mid-March
- A massive exodus from CD Project RED is expected in the coming months
- The moral of the developers is decimated
- Sony gave a huge thrashing over the number of refunds
- Directors and senior developers take the hit
- The team is still joking about the quest, which was rewritten a dozen times since some of the tops did not like it. This quest was cut and will be added to the DLC
- The team was replenished with strangers whom the management trusts
- Much of the code will be cut and rewritten from scratch
- Cyberpunk 2077, as intended, should be ready by June 2021
- There is still a lot of content in retail copies that was simply cut from the game because it didn't work

- The developer asks for a refund because it reminds the management of how the developers have talked about problems a bunch of times
- Most cosmetic rework should be ready for a second major update
- PS4 and Xbox One code will be rewritten
- The PS5 code is even better than the PC because the console dev kit is very easy to use
- More than 50 thousand lines of code were cut from the game
- Most of the apartments and places where the door says "closed" could be looted
- The June update should return at least part of the cut
- Knight City allegedly had a gigantic underground section of the city that the management did not like
- With any luck, CDPR will be able to upgrade Cyberpunk 2077 to the image that the game was conceived in 2018
- The original Johnny Silverhand was much cooler, he sounded like a maniac
- The original Johnny was inspired by David Hayter's Solid Snake from the first game.
- The need for a superstar of Keanu Reeves' caliber came from outside, management agreed
- Initially, a truly complex AI system was conceived, so you could just observe the life of the city
- It was originally thought that children would use drugs, but this was cut out due to censorship
- There were arches with priests and Hare Krishnas, also carved for censorship reasons
- There was a quest about Officer Max Tac, who killed himself and made room, so V could take him, but this created too many difficulties in terms of the plot
- Cyberpunk 2077 was in a hurry to collect for E3 2019
- Game size before cut content was 160 GB
- Two huge story arcs were cut from the game
- Cut out a significant part of the underground part and sewers due to bugs
- Carved out the other two other types of taxis
- Cut out conversations of taxi drivers with passengers
The author concludes that a really full version of Cyberpunk 2077 will be ready only by the end of 2021, and what we have received now is cuttings.
Believe it or not - everyone's business.