How To Choose The Best Finished PC For Basic Tasks

Not everyone can build an assembly PC for a family member or relative. Also, it's not bad to buy a pre-built desktop PC if you can't provide continuous maintenance.

Q. What is the best option for a pre-built desktop PC? Parents need a new computer, but they are far away, making it impossible to assemble the computer themselves. My parents just surf the web on their PC and play old card games. So there is no need to invest a lot.

A. Since this question can be broken down into a question about the best specification and the best supplier, we will answer both topics. 

When it comes to the best-finished PC, the easiest option is an all-in-one computer. Mounting system components within the monitor simplifies setup, reducing technical problems that can arise when troubleshooting from a distance. For example, you can get rid of problems such as 'What is the input?', 'What does an input mean?', and 'I don't have HDMI'. Some products only require parents to connect a keyboard and mouse.  

All-in-one PCs are more expensive than standard desktop PCs because a monitor is included. If your parents already have a compatible monitor and just plug the old cable into the new PC, buying a regular PC can save money. In any case, the best choice for a supplier is one of the PC manufacturers such as HP, Dell, and Lenovo (in Korea there are several manufacturers such as Samsung and LG, editor's note). These vendors offer a variety of finished PCs with warranty and technical support.

In the US, you can also buy discount PCs for these products on major holidays. For reference, at Thanksgiving last year, the Intel Core i3 mini tower with 4GB RAM and 1TB HDD was sold by Dell for $300. You can get the same PC for $360 right now, or an upgrade to 8GB for $400. 

If you want other cost savings, you don't have to buy the finished product directly from the PC vendor. Some office supply stores, such as Staples and Office Depot/Office Max, also sell finished PCs manufactured by large PC vendors. Some assembly companies provide a 1--2 year warranty period. 

Another alternative is to purchase Refurbished products from Dell, HP, and Lenovo if you don't need completely new hardware. Purchasing Refurbished products directly from the manufacturer guarantees a warranty and customer service experience. 

However, both options require some effort. You need to keep an eye on the list in order to find something of real value. If you don't like that, it's a good idea to buy a new product at a discount.

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