Cyberpunk 2077 active players on Steam drop 79% - three times faster than The Witcher 3

Cyberpunk 2077, released almost a month ago, has already collected multimillion-dollar sales and earned CD Projekt RED a mountain of money, but if we talk about the activity of the players, then the result is rather sad. According to statistics from Steam, the number of players dropped by 79% since the release.

According to  Githyp, Cyberpunk 2077 had phenomenal early days with over a million concurrent players. Now the number of players does not exceed 250 thousand. The figure is still impressive, but if you compare the rate of decline in activity, it is significantly worse than with the studio's previous game - The Witcher 3.

It's important to understand that a sharp drop in activity is the norm for single titles after release. This is due to the limited replayability compared to multiplayer games. However, when it comes to games with open worlds and sandboxes, most often the activity remains at a fairly high level for a long time. Another problem was replayability - it is almost non-existent in the game.

Such a sharp drop in activity can be attributed to the fact that many have already passed Cyberpunk 2077, at the same time, many gamers having launched the game several times, could postpone it for the future - to play after the hardware upgrade and / or the release of patches. Moreover, according to rumors, a huge portion of content could be cut from the final version of Cyberpunk 2077, some of which will be returned only by the summer of 2021.

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