Cyberpunk 2077 Sex Speedrun in 10 Minutes and Normal Playthrough in 3 Hours


Speedrunner Catalyzt was the first to set the sex playthrough record in  Cyberpunk 2077 . He managed to do this in 9 minutes and 54 seconds after the start of the campaign. It used to take more than two hours.

A quick run needed a character with a Street Child backstory, as this is the shortest possible intro. During a joint mission for V and Jackie, the easiest way is to get out of the mission zone to find yourself in the open world of Knight City.
However, without glitches, such a speedrun is impossible.

Tomatoanus used hand-to-hand combat to move in the desired direction. To do this, you need to have one slot with a weapon and quickly switch from fists to weapons and vice versa, and then scroll down the mouse wheel. After that, you can even move strictly vertically.

The second glitch helped to avoid damage from falling from a great height - you just need to use the slide in time. He had to get to the nearest prostitute on Chpok Street on foot, since at this stage there is still no car traffic in the open world.

As for the usual passage from start to finish, then in this category the record belongs to Hitchyy. He managed to complete  Cyberpunk 2077  in 3 hours 15 minutes 39 seconds. The character's background was the same and the difficulty level was set to "low".

The speedrunner moved around Night City using a bouncing jump, which was discovered  at the release of the game. So from task to task you can move faster than transport. You can even jump from building to building, but before that Hitchyy made a save.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Series. At night, the game got hotfix 1.06 - now the save size is not limited to 8 MB. In addition, the patch fixes a number of other problems.

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